Wound Care
Quick Facts:
- Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water
- Always use a new dressing when checking or cleaning your wound
- Do not submerge your wound for at least 2 weeks
- Do not remove your Dermabond, it will fall off by themselves
- Do not use unapproved ointments or creams
One of the most common, but also preventable, complications after bariatric surgery is infection. While rare, the primary causes of infection revolve around improper wound care. At the hospital, the nursing staff will assist and direct you in how to change dressings and handle your wounds.
After surgery, you will notice a purple to clear tinted glue over your incisions. This should be left on for as long as it will remains, typically 10-14 days. It can be trimmed with scissors if it catches on clothing. This is a good time to check the wound. Some redness and bruising is perfectly normal and should improve daily. Do not use any lotions or antibacterial ointments on the wounds, unless specifically instructed by Dr. Henke.
You will be able to shower after 24 hours, but do not submerge your wounds in a bath, pool or otherwise until cleared to do so. This will be at least two weeks after surgery.
The most important consideration for wound care is thoroughly washing your hands. Anytime you are working with an incision or break in the skin, it is very important to wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap so for at least 20 seconds. Follow up with some hand sanitizer. Doing so reduces the chances of transmitting bacteria.
Should you be concerned about a complication or infection, contact our office. If it is a medical emergency, dial 911 immediately. Learn more about when to call us after surgery.